Thursday, September 2, 2021


Author :  Shann Turnbull

Affiliation :  Principal: International Institute for self-governance

Country :  Australia

Category :  Computer Science & Information Technology

Volume, Issue, Month, Year :  11, 04, March, 2021

Abstract :

This paper indicates how the knowledge of complex systems can be put into practice to counter climate change. A contribution of the paper is to show how individual behaviour, institutional analysis, political science and management can be grounded and integrated into the complexity of natural systems to introduce mutual sustainability. Bytes are used as the unit of analysis to explain how nature governs complexity on a more reliable and comprehensive basis than can be achieved by humans using markets and hierarchies. Tax incentives are described to increase revenues while encouraging organisations to adopt elements of ecological governance found in nature and in some social organisations identified by Ostrom and the author. Ecological corporations provide benefits for all stakeholders. This makes them a common good to promote global common goods like enriching democracy from the bottom up while countering: climate change, pollution, and inequalities in power, wealth and income.

Keyword :  Bytes, Climate Change, Common Good, Ecological Governance, Tensegrity

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