Author : Mabrouka Gmiden
Affiliation : Computer and Embedded System Lab (CES)
Country : Tunisia
Category : Computer Science & Information Technology
Volume, Issue, Month, Year : 8, 18, February, 2018
Abstract :
The design of cryptographic mechanisms in automotive systems has been a major focus over the last ten years as the increase of cyber attacks against in-vehicle networks. The integration of these protocols into CAN bus networks is an efficient solution for leaving security level, but features of CAN bus make the performance requirements within cryptographic schemes very challenging. In the literature most of academic researches focused on designing security mechanisms for the CAN bus. Yet, very few research proposals are interested in analyzing performances requirements by using cryptographic protocols. In this paper, we investigate effects of implementing cryptographic approaches on performance by proposing an analysis methodology for implementing cryptographic approach in CAN bus communication and measuring real-time performances. Next, we propose our system which presents a tool for determining the impact of implementing of cryptographic solutions. On the other hand we have proposed an intrusion detection system using the same platform. Our tool allows the implementation of any security strategy as well as the real-time performance analysis of CAN network.
Keyword : CAN bus, In-vehicle Network, Security, Analysing
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