Friday, October 9, 2020


Author :  Mehran Ektesabi

Affiliation :  Swinburne University of Technology

Country :  Thailand

Category :  Computer Science & Information Technology

Volume, Issue, Month, Year :  8, 16, February, 2018

Abstract :

Smart home appliances such as smart fridge, smart lighting, and smart air conditioner are getting popular for home end users. Smart fans as one of those smart devices are a part of a smart home that can be assumed as a factor of comfort, which may also reduce the electricity cost due to its high efficiency. Hence, this project aims to develop an alternative smart fan tackled from a comfort and cost perspectives. This project is done using as minimum budget as possible by using a combination of the already-available parts of the market. It is expected to develop a prototype of a cheap smart fan, which in turn becomes the starting point to allow further development of other smart home appliances

Keyword :  Internet of Things, Smart Fan, Motor Control, Cost Analysis, Cloud Infrastructure

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