Volume, Issue, Month, Year : Vol (3), No (4), October, 2016
In this study robotic hands and fingers’ materials are investigated from past to present and a sponge
robotic hand is designed for biomedical applications. Emergence and necessity of soft robotic technology are explained and description of soft robot is made. Because of the importance of hand in a person’s body, researchers have dealt with robotic hand prostheses for many centuries and developed many hand types. To mimic the best for the human limbs, softness of the hand is one of the important features. Recent studies are summarized in a table. In the table you can see materials that are used in robotic hand and fingers; they are classified as soft and rigid with their years. In literature sponge was found as the most suitable material for the fingers, but there is no study about a sponge hand. This study aims to fill this gap in literature. In this paper manufacturing of a Sponge Robotic Hand’s production parameters and stages are explained clearly. Finally advantages of sponge robotic hand and future studies about sponge robotic hand are mentioned.
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