Monday, October 17, 2016

Performance Evaluation of Mobile WIMAX IEEE 802.16E for Hard Handover

Author : Amira Youssef Fahoud and D.K. Lobiyal
Volume, Issue, Month, Year : Vol.8, No.5, Sept, September, 2016


Seamless handover in wireless networks is to guarantee both service continuity and service quality. In
WiMAX, providing scalability and quality of service for multimedia services during handover is a main challenge because of high latency and packet loss. In this paper, we created four scenarios using Qualnet 5.2 Network Simulator to analyze the hard handover functionality of WiMAX under different conditions. The scenarios such as Flag with 5 and 10 sec UCD and DCD interval values, Random mobility scenario and DEM scenario using 6 WiMAX Cells have been considered. This study is performed over the real urban area of JNU where we have used JNU map for scenarios 1, 2 and 3 but for scenario 4, the JNU terrain data has been used. Further, each BS of 6 WiMAX cell is connected to four nodes. All nodes of each scenario are fixed except Node 1. Node 1 is moving and performing the handover between the different BSs while sending and receiving real time traffics. Flag mobility model is used in Scenario 1, 2 and 4 to model the movement of the Node 1 while we use random mobility model in sceanrio3. 5 seconds time interval is used for Scenarios 1, 3, and 4 while 10 seconds time interval is used for scenario 2 to study the effect of management messages load on handover. Further, the statistical measures of handover performance of WiMAX in terms of number of handover performed, throughput, end-to-end delay, jitter, and packets dropped are observed and evaluated. 

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